AMICA Organics was founded by Sonia Magliocchi in pursuit of a completely natural and organic skincare range.   Before AMICA Organics was born, Sonia contracted a serious virus which changed her immune system. She developed several unresolved systemic inflammation bouts with her lymphatic system, became suddenly allergic to wheat, allergic to chemical based skin care products including eye makeup and developed a trail of other hormonal symptoms for several years.

Through much of her own research and with medical specialists from both Western and Non-Western philosophies, the over-riding conclusion to keep Sonia’s lymphatic system and health concerns at bay was to eliminate and get rid of as much toxins from her body. 

Sonia made a big leap to living an organic lifestyle which has made a substantial positive impact to her overall health and wellbeing. This included many lifestyle changes. Sonia believes that inner health leads to both internal and external beauty and helps develop a more spiritual connection and positive thinking.

In search of a new complete natural and organic skin care range, she became frustrated reading and researching many cosmetic labels to find a heap of dangerous and potentially toxic substances. Through her research, Sonia understood the dangers of placing even small quantities of these chemicals on our bodies every day. Sonia believes that there is a strong link to toxicity and the disruption to the female hormone system causing all sorts of holistic health issues including cancer & reproductive issues. 

In this process, Sonia realised how critical our skin is for maintaining optimal health and wellbeing, particularly for women and children. Sonia invested her own money and time researching, testing and creating AMICA Organics alongside the advice of an organic chemist. The products were made primarily for Sonia’s personal use but when people started to take note on her improved healthy and glowing skin, Sonia received a welcoming response to continue to develop & share these products with others. From here the AMICA Organics brand was born in Sonia’s kitchen and selling AMICA Organic skincare at local organic markets in Sydney.

“I absolutely love my organic skincare products because not only are they filled with nourishing vitamins and antioxidants and leave many women with clear and healthy glowing skin but the aromas are purposely selected for their theapeutic properties. They are truly devine. I feel very honoured that many women trust the AMICA Organic brand, bringing it into their home and sharing it with their friends.”

AMICA Organic Skincare Founder